Vintage Photos and Videos

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Posted for VCitizens, VResidents by Henchman ( )

Posted for VCitizens, VResidents by Henchman ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Retro ( )

Retro: Vintage polaroid circa 1974

vintage tits, blond tits, bush, wife bush, vintage bush
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 811,295 |  15 Vintage Tits Blond Tits Bush Wife Bush Vintage Bush Wife Vintage Tits Retro Tits

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Retro ( )
Vintage Tits Blond Tits Bush Wife Bush Vintage Bush Wife Vintage Tits Retro Tits

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Retro ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Follet&Elisa ( )

Follet&Elisa: Elisa vintage......

Hi-res (2304x3456) available for VResidents
wife ass, stocking, high heels, wife pussy, vintage
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 562,911 | Wife Ass Stocking High Heels Wife Pussy Vintage Moglie Troia

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Follet&Elisa ( )
Wife Ass Stocking High Heels Wife Pussy Vintage Moglie Troia

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Follet&Elisa ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

Ok, so now this tale winds toward its close … and unfortunately, its clothes. But not so fast! One of the things I often mention about Mrs. Pix is that once she gets comfortable with a situation – a naked situation – she enjoys feeling relaxed in her skin and can be reluctant to re-dress. That was the situation here.

We had reached the far point of our planned escapade, but at that point she was “in the zone” and didn’t really want things to end “so quickly”. Our other shots had been taken quickly owing to the highly public scenario: Strip, shoot, re-dress, move on. By this time, though, she was relaxed and no hurry either to move on or get dressed. So we improvised. I continued to carry her things (always) and she continued to pad around barefoot and bare-assed as we left the overlook heading back up the paths. But rather than just retrace steps toward the entrance, where we would be sure to run into clothed innocents coming the other way, we took a lateral path, continuing our strategy of staying ahead of other visitors. (Think of the main paths being like the spokes of a crooked wheel, and us following the crooked rim, continuing to go where other visitors would not have reached yet.)

After conversing with the emu in the prior pic, she sprouted a beautiful smile that you can still see through the blur. It was a shame to have to give in to social norms and get her back into her clothes, but it was time to go.

Enjoy ...

Hi-res (2000x1500) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

Ok, so now this tale winds toward its close … and unfortunately, its clothes. But not so fast! One of the things I often mention about Mrs. Pix is that once she gets comfortable with a situation – a naked situation – she enjoys feeling relaxed in her skin and can be reluctant to re-dress. That was the situation here.

We had reached the far point of our planned escapade, but at that point she was “in the zone” and didn’t really want things to end “so quickly”. Our other shots had been taken quickly owing to the highly public scenario: Strip, shoot, re-dress, move on. By this time, though, she was relaxed and no hurry either to move on or get dressed. So we improvised. I continued to carry her things (always) and she continued to pad around barefoot and bare-assed as we left the overlook heading back up the paths. But rather than just retrace steps toward the entrance, where we would be sure to run into clothed innocents coming the other way, we took a lateral path, continuing our strategy of staying ahead of other visitors. (Think of the main paths being like the spokes of a crooked wheel, and us following the crooked rim, continuing to go where other visitors would not have reached yet.)

So that is how Mrs. Pix met this emu. As you will see in the next (and last) pic, she was thoroughly enjoying being naked in the spitting rain, surrounded by lush vegetation and animals, as God surely intended.

Enjoy ...

Hi-res (2000x1500) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf
Tags and features..
 658,673 |  13 Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Breasts Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Emu Vintage Hat Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )
Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Breasts Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Emu Vintage Hat Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist. The first couple of shots were pretty furtive, both of us craning our necks to see if anyone might possibly be in the area, then her quickly stripping down for a couple quick shots and redressing just as quickly. But as we continued our trek deeper into the mist, with our plan obviously working out very well, she became more and more comfortable.

Eventually we reached the farthest point accessed by the regular paths - a pavilion overlooking the open-savanna exhibit where numerous species were allowed to roam "freely". We knew we were far out ahead of other patrons, and Mrs. Pix was quite comfortable now enjoying the setting completely naked - as nature intended.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (1500x2000) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist. The first couple of shots were pretty furtive, both of us craning our necks to see if anyone might possibly be in the area, then her quickly stripping down for a couple quick shots and redressing just as quickly. But as we continued our trek deeper into the mist, with our plan obviously working out very well, she became more and more comfortable.

Eventually we reached the farthest point accessed by the regular paths - a pavilion overlooking the open-savanna exhibit where numerous species were allowed to roam "freely". We knew we were far out ahead of other patrons, and Mrs. Pix was quite comfortable now enjoying the setting completely naked - as nature intended.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (1600x1200) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist. The first couple of shots were pretty furtive, both of us craning our necks to see if anyone might possibly be in the area, then her quickly stripping down for a couple quick shots and redressing just as quickly. But as we continued our trek deeper into the mist, with our plan obviously working out very well, she became more and more comfortable.

Eventually we reached the farthest point accessed by the regular paths - a pavilion overlooking the open-savanna exhibit where numerous species were allowed to roam "freely". We knew we were far out ahead of other patrons, and Mrs. Pix was quite comfortable now enjoying the setting completely naked - as nature intended.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1600) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf
Tags and features..
 709,680 |  17 Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Back Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Savanna Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )
Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Back Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Savanna Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist. The first couple of shots were pretty furtive, both of us craning our necks to see if anyone might possibly be in the area, then her quickly stripping down for a couple quick shots and redressing just as quickly. But as we continued our trek deeper into the mist, with our plan obviously working out very well, she became more and more comfortable.

Eventually we reached the farthest point accessed by the regular paths - a pavilion overlooking the open-savanna exhibit where numerous species were allowed to roam "freely". We knew we were far out ahead of other patrons, and Mrs. Pix was quite comfortable now enjoying the setting completely naked - as nature intended.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1600) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf
Tags and features..
 676,096 |  20 Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Savanna Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )
Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Ass Bare Legs Bare Feet Zoo Savanna Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist. The first couple of shots were pretty furtive, both of us craning our necks to see if anyone might possibly be in the area, then her quickly stripping down for a couple quick shots and redressing just as quickly. But as we continued our trek deeper into the mist, with our plan obviously working out very well, she became more and more comfortable.

Merry Christmas, by the way ...

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2000x1500) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

So … the gates opened and we entered. We kept to plan an moved quickly away from the entrance, quickly finding ourselves in an environment we had never experienced – this HIGHLY popular zoo, virtually EMPTY of people. It was not at all difficult to find ourselves completely isolated, not only from the few visitors we left increasingly far behind us, but also from zoo workers, who were apparently occupying themselves with indoor tasks to avoid the very weather we were taking advantage of.

It was not at all difficult at all for my nature girl to feel very comfortable with our situation and easily shed her coat, and even sandals, to pad around barefoot and completely naked in the tingly mist.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1600) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf
Tags and features..
 717,774 |  11 Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Breasts Side Boob Bare Ass Bare Legs Hat Zoo Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )
Exhibitionist Nude In Public Nude Wife Nude Milf Bare Breasts Side Boob Bare Ass Bare Legs Hat Zoo Vintage Plzdntchgmytags

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout. We further aimed to stack our odds by going mid-week, when we knew that zoo traffic overall would be at a minimum and most kids would be in school (and their parents at work).

So … the day came and got up early to execute the plan … and we almost cancelled. The day was gloomy with that cloud cover that gives no hint of the direction of the sun. It had been raining through the night and as day broke there was really no hint that the rain was over. It looked like a day of alternating mist and rain – uncommon in our part of the country. But … rather than waste the opportunity and the planning already invested, we decided to make the best of the situation.

As often happens in our area, the weather eased a bit as we drove. By the time we arrived, the active rain had ceased, leaving just a pleasant mist in the air. As we pulled into the main parking lot, we were amazed … virtually nobody. We had certainly planned our timing for minimum crowd, but the rain had done what we could not have hoped for. With the main gate about to open, there was almost no one waiting except for a few moms with strollers being orbited by a few babbling munchkins.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1800) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my co-opting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

- - -

So … one day, Mrs. Pix and I decided to go to the zoo. We had a plan. Cameras are essential for a trip to the zoo, right? Photo-ops of wild things? Sure. Our twist on this classic excursion was that Mrs. Pix was the wild thing I would be shooting. She wore easy-off/easy-on sandals, sunglasses and hat, a calf-length wrap-around coat with sash (easy-open/easy-close) … and nothing else.

Our plan was to be to be among the first visitors, and knowing how people tend to move very slowly through a zoo, pausing to appreciate all the exhibits they encounter, we planned to move out ahead of that initial wave, snapping a few open-coat pics in the less-trafficked areas before the wave of people spread throughout.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1800) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Where the Wild Things Are

Exhibitionism, Nude in Public

I don’t think Maurice Sendak would quite get the rise out of this series that you and I might (he was gay), and he might not approve of my coopting the title of his famous work (though he did not like it much), but what the hell … it works.

It doesn’t take a lot of guess work to figure this out. I’ll expand on the story as the posting proceeds.

Enjoy …

Hi-res (2400x1600) available for VResidents
Exhibitionist, Nude in Public, Nude Wife, Nude Milf


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