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Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Just Living Life ( )

Just Living Life: When walking on the beach I came across a baby seal which did not look too well. Later on it was gone so maybe it was just having a rest.

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 814,027 |  9 Topless Beach Tanned Tits Natural Babe Thong Beach Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Just Living Life ( )
Topless Beach Tanned Tits Natural Babe Thong Beach Milf

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Just Living Life ( )

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Sandfly ( )

Sandfly: Here is glory.

Here is the wonder of the feminine and nature's guile. Here is the summer's end and the Sandfly's 2014 Finale.

Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage for here is delight.

Sandfly, from the edge of reason, head bowed in snarling joy at the sights I have to show you - the simple pleasures of the flesh and the delicious promise of more, more, more to come.

Together, as always, we share our appreciation of the most basic, instinctive happiness - the unfettered female form of those girls-next-door who dare to bare.

This devilment by which I facilitate these sights is my sacrament, this dichotomy of random madness and calculated surveillance by which these virtual dreams are acquired is both karma and kaos.

I am Sandfly, high priest of the church of the virtual mind, crazed sorcerer of the cult of vicarious - perched here, sentinel, in the penumbra at the limit of reality's glow, high above, watching, watching... Always watching...


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