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Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Pixellator ( )

Pixellator: Mrs. Pix – Lending a Friend a “Hand”

Lifestyle, Exhibitionism

So this little clip is of an episode that came about completely spontaneously in the middle of an “adult” party. Mrs. Pix was nude, as were some others, though not all. We were sitting around sipping beer and shooting the breeze when one of our gentlemen friends decided to settle into her lap. (Elsewhere in our blog you can find a couple of stills of this moment, with this friend and a couple others.) As they continued sitting together, one thing led to another, including the episode captured here.

Unfortunately, the “live” conversation included clear voices, recognizable names, etc., so the audio had to be removed. Rather than leave it completely silent, I dubbed in a sound track that to me seemed to be compatible. On my computer, 15% volume seems about right, but of course you can turn the sound down if you do not share my taste.



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