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Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Zadig ( )

Zadig: Sorry dear Voyeurwebers, this is an angry post in the very place dedicated to shared pleasure, but we are here also in the crosshair of the frustration fueled hate rampage we mourn the aftermath in Paris.

They though their bullets and knives would bow us down shivering into submission to their barbaric bigotry...

In three days of cold minded bloodshed, a few bunch of backward thugs murdered seventeen of us, and many more of those brain dead cowards are still waiting in the dark the next occasion to try to impose their butchers life style on anyone who wont kotow...

What they did not catch is that we are millions, standing up for the fight until victory.

Slain cartoonist Charb said it once for all :
'I'd Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees'

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Laïcité !!!

France, Liberty, Free speech, Secularism, Resilence


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